Sell Your Home with Ease with Designed Realty.

Learn how to prep your home for the market and what we will do for you!

Designed Realty Before & Afters

How do I prep for staging?

Declutter & Simplify

Walls / Lighting:

  • Remove all décor from walls.
  • Remove access nails, patch and paint if possible
  • Replace any light bulbs that are out


  • Clear all countertops.


  • Clear off all countertops
  • Pack away non-essential items that you won’t need through the move.
  • Store daily toiletries in a basket beneath the sink.

Pantries / Cupboards:

  • Organize by category, putting cans with cans, and boxes with boxes


  • Organize, organize, organize! Just like cupboards, buyers DO open closet doors.
  • Do your best to remove clutter and seasonal items to pack and store.

 Garbage Cans:

  • Place garbage & recycling cans into garage or in a spot that is not in plain view from the road. 
  • Wipe down and deodorize if necessary

What We Do

We take care of these things so you don’t have to!

Kid's Rooms

We know this is a tough one, but it’s important.

  • Have your kids make a pile of what they cannot live without. These “must stay” items must be able to be organized and put away for showings.
  • Pack up the rest of the items they can do without while the house is being shown. Think books, stuffed animals, extra clothes, etc. These items will be moved to storage offsite.
  • Not much else will be disrupted in your kids’ rooms. We appreciate and understand the importance of normalcy.
  • Tip: Instead of focusing on “putting items away for staging” with your child, focus on “packing up items to bring to their new room”


  • Remove or hide any signs of pets. Unfortunately, signs of pets can deter some buyers.
  • Put away treat jars, pictures, leashes, and beds into a closet or cupboard.


We use a scheduling program called ShowingTime. We will set it to a required notice period; we recommend that period to be one hour. The buyer’s agent requests the appointment online, then the program sends a text to you with the agent’s name and contact information. You approve or deny the showing by answering or N. If you do not see this message 30 minutes prior to the showing, it gets escalated to your broker.

We recommend maintaining a 70-degree atmosphere and leaving most of the lights on. You may see a larger bill during this time.

Each time the MLS key box is accessed we will get an alert. We will contact the showing agent for feedback, but please note that often we are unable to get a response from the broker. We will inform you when feedback is received.

You can anticipate a call from us on Mondays and Fridays to review all activity. Please know that you are welcome to reach out to us at any time.

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